hush Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She bought a Watchtower, an Awake! and a small brown book called Reasoning the Scriptures.

But you don't have a religious bone in your body, my sister said to her.

What do I have? Mama asked. Then she shook her head, brushed the hair back from Cameron's forehead and tried to smile. You know I don't mean that. But she packed the literature into her bag. (2.1-3)

This passage seems to suggest that Mama is questioning everything she's thought is true—including her former rejection of religion. What in her situation might lead her to turn to religion?

Quote #2

Mama says the lies we're forced to tell are God's will. She believes God sent His Witnesses to our door that morning for a reason. He knew I'd need them, she says.

Mama's wrapped her arms around God's legs, Anna says. I guess she figures He'll drag her to a better place. (2.11-12)

What do you think of Cameron/Anna's image of Mama's religion? What do you think of the idea that God would want people to lie for some reason? Why might Anna and Mama interpret the situation in this way?

Quote #3

Lulu used to say that we're just paper dolls made at one of God's play dates. He knows the scene, she'd say. From start to finish already. Even if we don't have a clue. (8.2)

This seems like something Lulu would say. How does Lulu's image of God compare to Mama's? How are they similar and different? Does either image help Toswiah understand what happens to her?