Mortality Quotes in Hyperion

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Oh build your ship of death," [Silenus] whispered [to Brawne Lamia]. "Oh build it!" (4.125)

Does Silenus's antagonizing of Lamia signify a death wish, the fact that he's a total jerk, or a little bit of both? (Related: do all jerks secretly have a death wish?)

Quote #8

[Sol] knew by now that it would take a minute for the fact of her mother's death to become real for Rachel. On the first day he had not known if a four-year-old could truly comprehend the concept of death. He knew now that Rachel could. (4.651)

Rachel, aging backwards, has to cope with her mother's death anew every single day. Of course, unlike Sol, she won't remember it the next day. Who has it harder—someone repeatedly experiencing the initial shock of loss or someone going through daily grief?

Quote #9

"Tell me [...] what it was like to die. What it was like to be reborn" (5.765 – 5.767)

Brawne gets answers to some of life's great mysteries from Johnny. Although he's not exactly human, so who knows how accurate his response might be. (Maybe more accurate, come to think of it.)