Hyperion Resources


The Man Who Created the Shrike

Simmons's website includes fun facts about all his books, reviews of his works, and some wild foreign covers of his novels.

Movie or TV Productions

Two-for-One Deal (Might Not Be a Bargain)

Can you imagine trying to convert Hyperion into a movie? It could be six! There are rumors that Hyperion might be combined with its sequel, Fall of Hyperion, into one film.

Expect the Non-Expected

What is there to say about a movie that hasn't even been written yet? Check out the unofficial Hyperion Movie fansite and find out.

Articles and Interviews

Roses are Red, Sci-Fi is Cool

Simmons believes that poetry and sci-fi have a lot in common. (No wonder he uses Keats as an inspiration for Hyperion.) Next Valentine's Day, don't write a cheesy poem. Write your loved one a gripping sci-fi yarn.

No Sequel for You!

Even though it would make him buckets of cash, Simmons says he'll never write a novel-length sequel or prequel to the Hyperion Cantos.


Minecrafting the Time Tombs

Safely tour the Time Tombs without fear of Merlin's sickness or the Shrike by watching this fan-made Minecraft tribute to Simmons's novels

Far Out!

Travel through a farcaster portal in this computer-generated simulation.


What does the Shrike Sound Like?

Can't make time to read the Cantos? Listen to the audiobooks. Here's a sample.

A Pulse-Pounding Chase

This fan set Brawne Lamia's farcasting chase scene to music… as if it weren't dramatic enough already.

Fanning the Flames

And here's the foreboding horror of the Flame Forest translated into a stunning music composition.


Sepia-toned Shrike

The Shrike looks ethereal and almost welcoming in this beautiful piece of fan art.

The Sea of Grass (Serpents Not Pictured)

This cover of the book shows the Shrike surveying the Sea of Grass as the pilgrims cross it in the wind wagon.

Of the Cruciform

This fan captures the horror of Hoyt's discovery of his cruciform. Not that Simmons's words really leave anything to the imagination.