Mortality Quotes in Hyperion

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The Consul thought of the Shrike, […] a creature which defied physical laws and which communicated only through death. (Prologue.29)

This sounds like our mother-in-law. JK MIL, we love you! But seriously, we'll let the Shrike's call go to voicemail. That's a conversation we're not ready to have. And if you think about it—isn't this the way a lot of gods seems to communicate?

Quote #2

"There is no death in all the Universe!" (1.44)

Poet Martin Silenus is quoting poet John Keats's "The Fall of Hyperion." Ironic (and sad), given that Keats died at a young age and Silenus himself has witness the death of many at the hands of the Shrike.

Quote #3

I have been in Port Romance eight days and I have seen three dead men. (1.213)

Father Duré has difficulty coping with the lack of respect for life in Port Romance. We can understand. With a name like Port Romance, you'd expect it to be a nicer place. A lot of places in Hyperion seem to have this disconnect between name and reality.