I'll Give You The Sun Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Something happened to him, Sandy had said. No one knows what the deal is. (2.204)

Eventually, we learn that what happened to Guillermo Garcia was the sudden death of his beloved. And that beloved was Dianna Sweetwine.

Quote #2

It's like the whole horrible sticky situation didn't even happen, like we weren't just both in bits. How can everything change so quickly? (3.164)

Noah and Jude were inseparable through early childhood, but now that they've hit puberty their relationship is more volatile. That's quite a change for a pair of twinsies.

Quote #3

Drunken Igor, but utterly transformed. He's shaved, washed his hair, and put on a smock…. (4.97)

"Drunken Igor" is what Jude calls Guillermo's alter ego. He acts like a different person when he's drunk and upset.