I'll Give You The Sun The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The next night at dinner, Mom announces that Grandma Sweetwine joined her for a ride in the car that afternoon with a message for Jude and me. Only, Grandma's dead. (1.47-1.48)

Um, okay. Nice intro to the Sweetfine fam. This is an early hint of the beyond-the-grave influence of Grams. In what ways does the ghost of Grandma Sweetwine influence Jude's behavior?

Quote #2

Then she took out her "bible"—an enormous leather-bound book stuffed with bats*** ideas (aka: hogwash)—and started to preach the gospel. Mostly to Jude. (1.73)

We're treated to many verses from Grandma Sweetwine's bible over the course of the book. There are some real doozies. Which Noah seems to see, but Jude is more into Grandma's version of the bible.

Quote #3

What's weird is that she looks like she's in a windstorm all of a sudden. Her hair's blowing and her dress is slightly billowing. I check under the table to see if there's a vent or something, but there isn't. (1.146)

Noah thinks his mother is a little bit magic. Cute?