I'll Give You The Sun Theme of The Supernatural

I'll Give You the Sun could be described as a ghost story…or not. (That depends on whether or not you think the ghosts of Dianna and Grandma Sweetwine are real.) It's also filled with the wackadoo superstitions of Grandma Sweetwine, who wrote down a whole book's worth of crazy advice for her granddaughter, Jude. Is it just rubbish? Or might there be some truth in her strange-sounding beliefs?

Only one thing's for sure: between the uncannily correct Ouija Board and all of Jude's broken sculptures, there's a lot of unexplained phenomena going down in Lost Cove. Where's Mulder and Scully when you need them?

Questions About The Supernatural

  1. Do you think that the ghost of Grandma Sweetwine is a figment of Jude's imagination? Explain your answer.
  2. Why does Jude think that her mother's ghost is breaking her sculptures?
  3. Before she dies, Noah describes his mother as a "blow-in." What does he mean?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

All of the "supernatural" events in the world of the book have rational explanations.

The only rational explanation for some of the events in book are that supernatural forces are for realzies.