Jacob Have I Loved Chapter 10 Summary

  • The week after the cat incident, a huge hurricane starts heading toward Rass Island.
  • Louise's parents get the house boarded up, and Caroline suggests they go help the Captain and Call get ready for the storm.
  • Of course, Louise is annoyed. Who does Caroline think she is, pretending like the Captain and Call are her friends when they've been Louise's all along?
  • That night, Louise's father wakes her up and tells her to run and get the Captain and bring him to their house. The storm is pretty awful, and they're worried he might get hurt while staying at his house alone.
  • Louise rushes to get him while her family hunkers down for the storm.
  • Caroline is asleep through the whole thing, but Louise tells her father she wouldn't want to miss the storm.
  • Grandma starts to panic about the storm—she hates the water—but the Captain comforts her.
  • In the end, Louise falls asleep, too, and misses the last part of the storm, but everyone on Rass Island is OK.
  • However, the cat population gets pretty wiped out. Guess those cats met their end, anyway.