Jurassic Park Themes

Jurassic Park Themes

Foolishness and Folly

Hey, brilliant intelligence is no obstacle to absolute folly. In fact, it's often the smartest minds that concoct the most foolish plans. Case in point: Jurassic Park. In Crichton's novel, super br...

Man and the Natural World

A lot of novels explore the human condition by throwing people into the wild and forcing them to contend with the natural world. Jurassic Park is a story of people who wrongly believe they can crea...


Jurassic Park's John Hammond would probably agree with Wall Street's Gordon Gekko, who famously said that greed is good. Hammond is one filthy rich dude. He literally buys his own island so he can...

Awe and Amazement

In a way, Steven Spielberg built his own Jurassic Park when he made a movie based on Michael Crichton's novel. With the latest special effects—which still hold up today—Spielberg brought realis...


Jurassic Park is a story about the limits and dangers of power. Things get pretty complicated when you play the game of cloning dinosaurs. Sure, the accomplishment shows off your scientific and tec...

Wisdom and Knowledge

There's a boatload of smarty-pants experts in Jurassic Park: scientists, engineers, geneticists, coders, you name it. But how many of these people are actually able to predict what will happen once...


Jurassic Park may be more of suspense thriller with dinosaurs than a science fiction novel, but who's counting? Science is totally a big deal in this baby. We'll be honest: the book may not be anti...

Technology and Modernization

Jurassic Park is a technological thriller—it's totally into issues like the dangers technological development has for human beings. Chief among these dangers is the illusion that advances in tec...