Last of the Mohicans Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"And the woman that Huron left with my warriors?"

Uncas made no reply. (30.49-30.50)

Uncas follows Native American moral principles here as a white man would try to save Cora, no matter what the law decreed. Hawkeye, for instance, tries to bargain for her release.

Quote #11

His parting gibes were listened to in a dead, boding silence, and, with these biting words in his mouth, the triumphant Magua passed unmolested into the forest, followed by his passive captive, and protected by the inviolable laws of Indian hospitality. (30.97)

Another example of the principles governing Native American behavior: the principle of being The Host With The Most. Good hospitality doesn't just mean giving your guest the last cookie on the plate or the biggest helping at meals: it means giving safe passage to people that are your guests, even when they're also your enemy.