Last of the Mohicans Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"That would have been an abuse of our treaties." (19.47)

Despite being deep in the wilderness and surrounded by enemies, Heyward still wishes to adhere to strict military protocol regarding treaties. Heyworth is basically a goober.

Quote #11

"You may here see the philosophy of an Indian fight. It consists mainly, in a ready hand, a quick eye and a good cover. Now, if you had a company of the Royal Americans here, in what manner would you set them to work in this business?"

"The bayonet would make a road."

"Ay, there is white reason in what you say; but a man must ask himself, in this wilderness, how many lives he can spare. No—horse," continued the scout, shaking his head, like one who mused; "horse, I am ashamed to say, must sooner or later decide these scrimmages." (32.30-32.32)

Hawkeye pauses in the middle of the fight to offer a military analysis, arguing that the use of horses will turn the tide of battle in European favor. Hawkeye is one clever dude; he knows military tactics better than ol' bland-as-bread Heyworth.