Transformation Quotes in Little Bee (The Other Hand)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"My principle is that I love Sarah. […] I'll do anything to keep Sarah. Anything, do you understand?" (7.104)

Lawrence sees Little Bee as a distinct threat to his relationship with Sarah. Why? Do you see Little Bee as a threat to the relationship?

Quote #8

Words are nothing. The person I am is the person you saw on that beach. He knows where to put the commas, but he wouldn't cut off one finger to save you. (7.170)

This is what Little Bee remembers Andrew telling her before he hangs himself. Andrew, who has built his life around words, has found himself in a place where words are ineffectual. This transformation is tragic for him.

Quote #9

"I is going to take off mine Batman costume now." (11.244)

Charlie's transformation from Batman back to little boy is completed in this moment on the beach in Nigeria.