Little Brother Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Dr Eeevil in an email to M1k3y] > One thing you should know is that every camera has a unique "noise signature" that can be used to later connect a picture with a camera. That means that the photos you're republishing on your site could potentially be used to identify the photographers, should they later be picked up for something else.

> Luckily, it's not hard to strip out the signatures, if you care to. There's a utility on the ParanoidLinux distro you're using that does this -- it's called photonomous, and you'll find it in /usr/bin. Just read the man pages for documentation. It's simple though. (13.61-62)

Photos do have a digital noise signature, but a program like photonomous doesn't yet exist. Maybe it's time for you go learn how to make one?

Quote #8

This kid — his handle was Kameraspie — had sent me an even better video this time around. It was at the doorway to City Hall in Civic Center, a huge wedding cake of a building covered with statues in little archways and gilt leaves and trim. The DHS had a secure perimeter around the building, and Kameraspie's video showed a great shot of their checkpoint as a guy in an officer's uniform approached and showed his ID and put his briefcase on the X­ray belt.
It was all OK until one of the DHS people saw something he didn't like on the X­ray. He questioned the General, who rolled his eyes and said something inaudible (the video had been shot from across the street, apparently with a homemade concealed zoom lens, so the audio was mostly of people walking past and traffic noises). (14.80-81)

Who watches the watchers continues to be important in debates around public accountability still today.

Quote #9

In other words, you could have the same conversation over IM as you do over SMTP. With the right tweaks, the whole mail­server business could take place inside of a chat. Or a web­session. Or anything else.

This is called "tunneling." You put the SMTP inside a chat "tunnel." You could then put the chat back into an SMTP tunnel if you wanted to be really weird, tunneling the tunnel in another tunnel. (17.89-90)

These tunnels sound like they take less time to build than this 35.4 mile train tunnel in the Swiss Alps.