Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes in Lonesome Dove

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Well, life's a twisting stream." (56.64)

You've probably heard this kind of thing before, but it doesn't sound so clichéd when it comes from a cowboy who has crossed more than his fair share of twisting streams.

Quote #8

"Yesterday's gone on down the river and you can't get it back." (58.45)

More life-as-a-river analogies from a cowboy. Gus is definitely the go-with-the-flow type, as we see toward the end of the novel, when he accepts his own death without much of a struggle.

Quote #9

"I don't sing about myself," Campo said. "I sing about life. I am happy, but life is sad. The songs don't belong to me." (60.23)

Po Campo has a balanced view of life. He's comfortable being happy or sad, and just taking whatever life gives him. When life gives him grasshoppers, he fries them and eats them.