Man and the Natural World Quotes in Lonesome Dove

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Lorena] might need to be saved from a flood or a grizzly bear—grizzly bears were often the subject of discussion around the campfire at night. (24.9)

This is a little bit of nature-based foreshadowing. Sure enough, a grizzly bear will show up later, but it's a good thing it doesn't put Lorena in danger. The men learn that nothing can stop a grizzly bear. Some parts of nature are just out of their control.

Quote #5

Augustus hadn't followed. He was still sitting on old Malaria, back on the little hill, watching the sunset and the cattle herd. (25.48)

It might not be Lonesome Dove itself that Gus misses, but rather the view of the surroundings that the little town offers.

Quote #6

"Don't get close to them when they got the lightning on their horns. Get away from 'em." (31.29)

Newt learns a few things about the power of nature that he never could have anticipated, like the fact that lighting can gather on a cow's horns. Nature is unpredictable and often dangerous, especially if you don't respect it enough to understand that it's out of your control.