Mortality Quotes in Lonesome Dove

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It seems too quick," he said. "It seems very quick, just to ride off and leave the boy. He was the babe of the family." (35.99)

Death waits for no one, and the cattle drive can't wait for death. As devastated as Allen is by his brother's death, the drive can't be put on hold for anything. It's not like it will bring Sean back if they stop moving on. Allen will have to grieve on the go.

Quote #5

"Talk's the way to kill it. Anything gets boring if you talk about it enough, even death." (39.20)

Gus makes a good point here. Isn't that the reason any book is written about anything? To talk about it? And at least fool people into feeling okay about death?

Quote #6

"Well, Call, I guess they forgot us, like they forgot the Alamo," Augustus said.

"Why wouldn't they?" Call asked. "We ain't been around."

"That ain't the reason—the reason is we didn't die." (42.106-42.109)

Heroes are sometimes only heroes if they die. Gus and Call have stayed alive long enough to watch their reputations fade. But this conversation occurs way before we ever thought Gus would die. Maybe his hero status is cemented after his death.