Lord Jim Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #13

"Indeed this affair, I may notice in passing, had an extraordinary power of defying the shortness of memories and the length of time; it seemed to live, with a sort of uncanny vitality, in the minds of men, on the tips of their tongues. I've had the questionable pleasure of meeting it often, years afterwards, thousands of miles away, emerging from the remotest possible talk, coming to the surface of the most distant allusions." (12.17)

Ah, the power of stories. Even though Jim's story is a sad, pathetic one, it nevertheless has the power to communicate over great distances, across time, space, and social boundaries. We guess everyone loves a good shame story.

Quote #14

"There is a weird power in a spoken word." (15.2)

Yep. That sounds about right.