Major Barbara Wealth/Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #7

My religion? Well, my dear, I am a Millionaire. That is my religion. (2.164)

As you can probably tell by the overlap in the topics of religion, money, and morality, Undershaft doesn't really distinguish between those categories; his morality is based on an appreciation of money and power, which has essentially become his religion.

Quote #8

Poverty, my friend, is not a thing to be proud of. (2.167)

Given that Andrew Undershaft's religion is being a millionaire, you probably won't be surprised to hear that he thinks that poverty is an awful thing.

Quote #9

I think, my friend, that if you wish to know, as the long days go, that to live is happy, you must first acquire money enough for a decent life, and power enough to be your own master. (2.247)

Here, Andrew and Dolly have been sparring with their respective philosophies of life and happiness. Once again, Andrew reiterates that money is basically the building block of all that's good, in his mind at least.