Marked Themes

Marked Themes


Ah, family… can't live with them, and can't leave their blood-drained corpses in a gutter. In Marked, Zoey's family makes her life a nightmare, between her stern step-dad, her meek mom, and her t...


Welcome to Marked and its world filled with vampyres, where practically everyone is gorgeous and sexy. Once our main girl Zoey's Marked, she has to adapt to this new world of beautiful appearancesâ...

The Home

Zoey spends a good chunk of Marked obsessing over finding a home and fitting in. The home she occupies with her mom, step-dad, and siblings isn't a particularly welcoming place, though she gets to...

The Supernatural

So… vampyres. You know, the immortal, blood-sucking, unnaturally beautiful kind. Clearly we are no longer in the realm of straight-up reality. This is what Zoey learns in Marked when she goes to...


Friendship is magic, right? And in Marked, this is literally true. When Zoey arrives at the House of Night she doesn't know anyone, and has to start from scratch making friends and figuring out whe...


Being a teenager is hard enough, with all the physical and social changes you're facing—who'd want to turn into a vampyre on top of that? But it's what Zoey is stuck facing in Marked, dealing wit...


Teenagers in Marked may often by vampyres, but that doesn't mean they don't have sex on the brain just like most other teens. Even if Zoey's only at the stage of making out with boys, the topic is...


Well, derp, Marked is mostly set at the House of Night, a school for vampyre fledglings… so of course education is a theme. As we ride along in Zoey's head, we get to see just how different this...