Marked The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Without any more hesitation, I flung my spirit forward and down into the crevasse, following the trail of my blood and the silver memory of my grandma's whisper until I came to the smooth floor of a cave-like room. (5.35)

Zoey's vision of sending her spirit into a cave is reminiscent of vision quests, hallucinations, or both. Like, come on, she's following a trail of her own blood, and she's hearing words in her head that also manifest as colors. This is seriously supernatural territory.

Quote #2

Believe in yourself, Zoey Redbird…Within you is combined the magic blood of ancient Wise Women and Elders, as well as insight into and understanding of the modern world. (5.57)

Nyx tells Zoey that her heritage combines ancient magic with an understanding of the modern world, which is apparently pretty special. Zoey doesn't seem to give much thought to her heritage until this moment. Finding out that you've got supernatural vibes running through your veins must be a bit of a shock.

Quote #3

"Every High Priestess is given an affinity—what you would probably think of as special powers—by the Goddess…The affinities can be unusual cognitive skills, like reading minds or having visions and being able to predict the future. Or the affinity can be for something in the physical realm, like a special connection to one of the four elements, or to animals." (7.22)

The way Nefret explains it, Nyx gifts her chosen few with superpowers. These special individuals become High Priestesses, and (ideally) use their powers for good. There's a range of affinities out there, too—Nefret, for example, has an understanding of cats, and she can also heal. Talk about a multitalented (cat) lady.