Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It gets so tiring, this strong-picking-on-the-weak stuff. It was the story of my life—literally—and it seemed to be a big part of the outside world too. I was sick of it, sick of guys like these, stupid and bullying. (21.6)

There's nothing more disgusting to Max than strong people picking on the weak and young, which is basically what the Erasers are doing to her flock. When she sees it happening to someone else, she's not going to stand by and watch—even if she's dealing with strangers.

Quote #5

But I was honest enough with myself to know that I really couldn't go on like this—wet, cold, starving, and a little wonky from loss of blood. I had to suck it up and accept help. From strangers. (29.12)

Oddly enough, accepting help from a kind stranger takes more guts for Max than getting into a scrappy fight. She's so distrustful of other people that it's less scary for her to fight off Erasers than it is to enter someone's home and accept medical attention.

Quote #6

There were a few moments of silence, as if we were all gathering our courage again. I know I was, trying to pull my strength into a tight, hard ball that would carry me through the rest of the day, as we headed back to our worst nightmare. (51.18)

Going back to the School is as terrifying as walking into a haunted house, but the flock members feel better when they're all together. They wouldn't be able to storm the School alone—but together, they just might have a fighting chance.