Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Jeb had calmed me down, talking to me, taking my mind off of it, and then, when I least expected it, he had popped it right back into place. Instantly, all the pain was gone. He'd smiled and stroked my sweaty hair off my forehead and gotten me some lemonade. And I'd thought, This is what a dad would do. This is better than what a dad would do. (35.5)

Jeb totally did seem like a good dad when he was living with the flock… until he faked his death and rejoined the evil scientists who had them locked up, that is. That's not something a real dad would do, right?

Quote #5

Ella's mom was taking care of me, like Jeb had. I didn't know how to act, what to say.

A girl could get used to this. (35.13-14)

Max may have just had a couple of nights with Ella and her mom, but she already feels oddly at home with them. They really know how to treat a girl to some good old domestic comforts.

Quote #6

"I have to take off tomorrow," I told Ella that night when we were getting ready for bed.

"No!" she said, distressed. "I love having you here. You're like a cousin. Or my sister." (46.12-13)

Max would be an awesome big sister to have. She is fiercely loyal and protective, and will rush in to fight off bullies, even when they're carrying around a shotgun. Talk about a fearless protector.