Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

You'd think I'd get used to the ongoing nightmare that was my life, but I was actually pathetically surprised that those demonoids from the School could continue to wreak havoc on me from so far away, so long ago. (42.6)

Finding the microchip in her arm is a kind of depressing revelation for Max. All this time, she thought that she had a fighting chance of escaping the School… but it turns out that they've been tracking her every movement this whole time.

Quote #5

"The thing is, Max," he said, tons of heart-wringing emotion in his eyes," you're even more special than I always told you. You see, you were created for a reason. Kept alive for a purpose, a special purpose." (61.16)

Jeb thinks that he's going to win Max over with this moving speech about her purpose in life, but she's not having any of it. How annoying is it to have some grown-up tell you exactly what you're supposed to do? Ugh.

Quote #6

"But I had to let you know the size of what we're dealing with, the enormity, the importance. You are more than special, Max. You're preordained. You have a destiny that you can't imagine." (62.2)

Wow, talk about laying it on thick. No wonder Max is overwhelmed and doesn't want to listen to what Jeb has to say—he's trying way too hard to convince her that she has this wild destiny.