Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

One, Jeb looked like he was on their side now. An enemy of the flock, like all the other whitecoats at the School.

Two, wait till Max found out about this. Max would be, well, she'd be so mad and so hurt and so upset that Angel couldn't even imagine it. (45.10-11)

What in the world is going on? Jeb is the last person that Angel expected to see at the School, and he's not a welcome surprise. He may have been their surrogate father once, but she's not going to trust him if he's in cahoots with all those scientists.

Quote #5

"Probably not," I said, hating the hurt look on Ella's face. "I just—don't think I'll be able to. If I ever could, I would, but-"

I turned away and started brushing my teeth […] So I put all my feelings in a box and locked it. (46.20-21)

Max may not be able to lie to Ella about visiting in the future, but she's certainly capable of lying to herself about her emotions. She can't even admit that leaving them hurts—it's like giving up the only family she's ever had.

Quote #6

Now my eyes were telling me that he was one of them. That maybe he'd been one of them all along. That everything I'd ever known or felt about him had been a rotten, stinking lie. (60.8)

What's worse than being caught by a bunch of evil scientists? Well, finding out that your father figure is one of them. Max is completely horrified to see Jeb amongst the scientists working at the School—this means that her whole life so far might be one big lie.