Men in Black Cast

Men in Black Cast

Meet the Cast

Agent J (Will Smith)

We'd label Jay's (a.k.a. Agent J) story in Men in Black as "coming of age lite"—all the heady flavoring of a Bildungsroman with none of the calorie-heavy adolescence angst. What we mean is that i...

Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones)

Gruff and humorless (a Tommy Lee specialty), and dressed entirely in neutral colors, Agent K (a.k.a. Kay) is the role Tommy Lee Jones was born to play. Seriously, flamboyant and flashy should not b...

Edgar (the Bug) (Vincent D'Onofrio)

Antagonists can be complex, deep characters whom you want to see defeated while at the same time empathizing with their personal plight and struggles. Think your Jack Torrances, your Daniel Plainvi...

Dr. Laurel Weaver (Linda Fiorentino)

When was the last time you saw a film where the morgue director was the heroine? Dr. Laurel Weaver is a total boss. She's the capable medical deputy officer working at the New York City morgue. Sin...

Zed (Rip Torn)

Zed's the senior agent of the Men in Black, and we do mean senior. He was one of the original members and he's now the organization's matter-of-fact leader. He fills Jay in about the serious nature...

Rosenberg and Orion (Mike Nussbaum)

Rosenberg's a tiny alien with big eyes who provides not-exactly-clear clues to our heroes to tell them how to proceed. Yep, he's basically the Yoda of Men in Black.An Arquillian prince and the prot...

Jake Jeebs (Tony Shalhoub)

Jake Jeebs is an alien who owns a pawn shop on the East Side, and his head will grow back if you shoot it off. This easily puts him in the Top Ten unique East Side residents although he won't be cr...

Beatrice (Siobhan Fallon)

Beatrice is the original Edgar's wife. Or is that widow? We aren't sure what New York divorce law says about an alien insect invading your husband's body and walking off with it.After the Bug kills...

Frank (Tim Blaney)

Frank's an alien living on Earth disguised as a pug, and it sort of makes sense. Pugs look nothing like wolves. They barely look like dogs. It's possible that all pugs are really aliens in disguise...

Reggie and His Wife (Patrick Breen and Becky Ann Baker)

A squid-like alien from the dark reaches of space, Reggie is what you'd get if Cthulhu decided to settle down with a nice girl and start a family.When we meet Reggie and his wife, they've illegally...