Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Rafe, are you listening to me?"

I looked up at Mr. Dwight and nodded. "You need to get your act together, young man. Keep up this kind of behavior and it's going to be more than just detention for you."

More warning signs and red flags from Mr. Dwight. But Rafe just can't see the harm in breaking more rules. Sure, he doesn't want detention, but he doesn't want to choose his boring old normal life either.

Quote #5

Next, I found some rocks and made a circle next to the water, like a little campfire. Then I took out my report card, the letter from Mrs. Stricker, the envelope, and a box of wooden kitchen matches from home. I'm not usually supposed to do anything with fire when Mom's not around but then again, I'm not usually supposed to incinerate my report card either. I crumpled it all up in the middle of the circle and lit it. (41.21)

Rafe's choices get worse and worse throughout the book. First he's erasing messages on the answering machine, now he's burning report cards. It's kind of sad, because he seriously hasn't thought this through. Does he honestly think Mom won't find out about his grade somehow?

Quote #6

Once Mrs. Stricker finished lecturing me about bad choices and wrong paths and good manners (huh?), she left me there in the Box. (47.1)

Mrs. Stricker strikes again. Rafe is getting loads of chances, but they're all rolling right off him. If he doesn't start making better choices, the axe is going to fall.