Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"You're not going to regret this," Leo kept telling me. The way he saw it, the whole point of Operation R.A.F.E. was about breaking rules, so why should I let a little thing like losing the game stop me from doing the part I'd been looking forward to the most?

Like I said before—genius. (64.2-3)

Leo is kind of a genius. Operation R.A.F.E. might have rules, but who cares? Rafe eats rules for breakfast.

Quote #11

A minute later, the copies of my notebook were spread all over Mr. Dwight's desk. It was all right there—the rules for Operation R.A.F.E., every school regulation I'd broken, and all those stupid pictures Leo and I had drawn along the way. Now everyone could see exactly how much of a juvenile delinquent I was. I just stared at the floor.

"Well, this explains a thing or two," Mrs. Stricker said. (73.1-2)

Yikes. There it all is for everyone to see. All Rafe's rule-breaking glory. Sure, Mom means to show off Rafe's artistic abilities, but Rafe figures this means he's toast. This is the evidence against him. Luckily, his teachers see it for what it is and don't freak out. Sure, he's still expelled, but he gets bonus points for creativity and isn't shipped off to juvie.