Missing May Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

And if Ob does go, goes off to be with May, then it'll be just me and the whirligigs left. And all of us still as night, praying for wings, real wings, so we can fly away. (2.41)

What would Summer do if she didn't have Uncle Ob? He's literally the only family she has left, so she'd be in quite the bind if he disappears on her. Maybe that's why she's so concerned with keeping his health in check.

Quote #5

May would tell Cletus and me, if she was here right now, that it's okay to grab for something or somebody that's being swept away from you. She'd tell us to hold on tight because we're all meant to be together. We're all meant to need each other. (3.28)

Even if Summer feels abandoned, at least she's still got Cletus and Uncle Ob around. Aunt May might be floating further and further away from them, but they've got each other and they should take advantage of that support system.

Quote #6

It suddenly hurt me that Ob hadn't told me about the secondand that now he was revealing everything to Cletus instead of me. I felt more than ever cut apart from him, sent off on my own while he took off on his [...]. (4.47)

Poor Summer—she's already lost one parental figure, and now she feels like she's being pushed away by the second. What's a girl to do to get some real quality parenting around here?