Missing May Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I had been dreading Ob's death for so long that in my mind I practically had the coffin picked out and which tie he'd wear. I thought this morning might be the one for truly final decisions. (6.11)

Well that's morbid—our little goth-in-training is constantly afraid that Uncle Ob is going to leave her too. It's not such a ridiculous fear when you consider the fact that every single other parental figure in her life has already peaced out.

Quote #8

I'm afraid. Already I've lost many things, important things, and I don't want to lose more in Putnam County. (7.32)

Uncle Ob and Cletus may be excited about their upcoming road trip, but Summer's full of apprehension. Is she really the only one who thinks that there's a good possibility that the advertised spiritualist medium might be a quack? Seriously?

Quote #9

Well, Ob had seen how at the supper table you'd been too scared to death to ask for anything. Run out of milk in your glass and too scared to ask Connie Francine to fill it up again. (11.27)

Baby Summer's been so neglected her whole young life that she can't even pipe up to ask for a glass of milk. Uncle Ob and Aunt May recognize that she needs a family—a real family—and decide to take her in even though they're old and don't have much money.