More Than Human Part 1, Section 14 Summary

  • Again we arrive at an Alicia passage. (That was a lot of As.) She's now about age twenty-four, and she's standing in the deepest shade on a meadow's edge.
  • She alternates between begging her dead father to forgive her and cursing him for being a sadistic pervert who killed himself and her sister.
  • Alicia thinks about the five years since she was rescued from her home by Lawyer Jacobs and his wife, Mother Jacobs. When the Jacobs took her away, she screamed at all the bodies she saw, fearing especially the men.
  • Dr. Rothstein, a psychiatrist, explained to her that sex is natural, not poisonous. About time someone told her that!
  • Now Alicia thinks about how one day she will live freely among people, interspersing her thoughts with pleas for her father to forgive her. Okay, this is sad.
  • We learn that Dr. Rothstein explained to her that many people are twisted, but Mr. Kew was rich enough to get away with it.
  • Alicia thinks of Evelyn and her father's death, removes her clothes, and, terrified, dances naked in the sun for her late sister, begging her dead father to forgive her. Jeez. At least she's made some progress.