More Than Human Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She said aloud, in admiration, "Ho-ho . . ." There was no anger left in her. Four days ago the twins couldn't even reach a sixfoot sill. They couldn't even get away from a spanking. And now look. (1.17.21)

Janie emotionally bonds with the twins because of their intelligence. She does not pick friends based on skin color and neither should you.

Quote #2

The twins approached guardedly. She took their hands. They watched her face. She began to move toward the elevators, and they followed. The janitor beamed after them. (1.17.30)

Mr. Widdecombe, the twins' father, is pleased with the new friendship between his daughters and Janie. That makes him more open-minded about friendship than Wima, Janie's mom.

Quote #3

"Dear old Jesus be to God, she said, "she's got the place filled with n*****s."

"They're going home," said Janie resolutely. "I'll take 'em home right now." [...]

Janie walked down the hall to the elevators. She looked at Bonnie and at Beanie. Their eyes were round. Janie's mouth was as dry as a carpet and she was so embarrassed her legs cramped. [...]

She walked slowly back to the apartment and went in and closed the door. Her mother got up from the man's lap and clattered across the room. [...]

Something happened inside Janie like the grinding of teeth, but deeper inside her than that. She was walking and she did not stop. She put her hands behind her and tilted her chin up so she could meet her mother's eyes. [...]

Janie walked past her and into her room, and quietly closed the door. (1.18.5-12)

Wima's racism is on display here, but so is Janie's courage in how she refuses to acknowledge that playing with the twins was wrong.