More Than Human Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I just ran loose, sort of in training to be the village idiot [...] the way people lived didn't make no sense to me. Out here I can grow like I want." (2.12.36-38)

For all of his prying ideas out of people's minds, Lone is something of an anti-philosopher. He grows or evolves like he wants, and that's all there is to it. Maybe that's why he's described as "feeble-minded." This is where More Than Human starts off, philosophically speaking.

Quote #2

"We'll defend ourselves [...] We'll just do whatever comes naturally." (2.14.22)

Philosophers and scientists have argued for millennia over what counts as natural behavior, but Gerry doesn't hesitate. When Stern asks him what comes next for the gestalt, Gerry gives this answer, linking natural behavior to self-preservation. Darwin would be proud.

Quote #3

What the hell is morality, anyway? (2.14.66)

Yeah, seriously, what is it, dude? You're on your way to lie to the cops about killing the woman who was effectively your mother. Self-doubt is definitely not Gerry's forte.