My Brother Sam Is Dead Duty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"They've taken him to the encampment, and it'll be up to General Putnam to do what he wants. I'd get out there in a hurry, though. The General is determined to make an example of somebody. It could go hard with Sam. General Putnam is a great and dedicated patriot and he does not take defection from duty lightly." (13.21)

According to Colonel Parsons, Sam is in real trouble. It's obvious to us that Sam didn't steal those cows. How could anyone think such a thing? But to General Putnam, Sam was supposed to be on duty with Parsons and he wasn't. It seems crazy to us that such a small breach of duty would lead to execution, but that's exactly what happens. In times of war, doing your duty is no laughing matter.