My Brother Sam Is Dead Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He started to step toward me. "Stand back, Sam, or I'll shoot you in the stomach." Suddenly I began to cry, not just little tears but big sobs all mixed up with trying to get my breath. I felt ashamed of crying in front of Sam, and embarrassed, but it was all so terrible I couldn't stop. (4.32)

Um, did Tim just pull a gun on his brother? Yep, this war is definitely making for some strained familial relationships. What do you think of this interaction? Why does Tim threaten his brother? And what do you make of Tim's tears?

Quote #5

I remember being little and watching Sam milk Old Pru and admiring him and thinking how clever he was. And then it got to be my turn to learn how to milk Old Pru, and I found out that there wasn't any glory to it; it was just hard work and made your hands ache. So I guess that being a soldier probably didn't have much glory to it, either, that it was mostly just a lot of hard work. But still, I envied Sam, and I wished I were old enough to do something glorious, too. (5.7)

Tim just loves his older brother. Check out how much he admires Sam. It doesn't matter if Sam is milking a cow or serving as a soldier, Tim wants to be just like his big bro.

Quote #6

Mother and Father had a fight over the letters. When the first one came Mother decided to answer it. Father said no, she shouldn't encourage Sam in his recalcitrance. Mother argued with him, but he wouldn't give in: let Sam feel our disapproval until he comes his senses. (7.5)

Sam's decision to join the war has his parents all riled up. And did you notice that the Meeker family disagreements are getting bigger all the time? Now Mama Meeker is fighting, too. We don't like where this is headed.