My Life in Dog Years Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Quincy journeyed through thirty miles of wolf-, wolverine- and bear-infested wilderness on four-inch legs—it's hard to believe he could even get through the swamp grass, let alone the forest and predators […]. (8.10)

You can hear the awe in Paulsen's voice here.

Quote #8

What a dog he was, what an incredible dog! (8.25)

More awe. Here, Paulsen's talking about Quincy, but this sentence would easily fit into any of his other chapters.

Quote #9

He is full of a gentle honor I will never come close to achieving. (9.1)

Paulsen seems to think of his dog Josh as his superior. Shouldn't Paulsen give himself a break? Isn't it harder to be a person than a dog?