My Life in Dog Years Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I told her, "He might not be the smartest dog we ever got," but with the possible exception of Josh, a Border collie that is now in my life, Quincy proved to be easily the smartest dog I have ever seen. (8.28)

Pretty much every dog in this book is a super genius, Quincy included. Okay, except for Fred, the one who waged war against an electric fence.

Quote #8

When the last ditch was running and too much water was coming—flooding out over the end—Josh studied the situation for a moment, then dug a cross ditch that made the water circle back into the ditch. (9.16)

On top of everything else, Josh is basically an engineer. America's jobs aren't going to be taken by robots. They're going to be taken by dogs.

Quote #9

Josh has come to know dozens of individual words. To name just a few: horse, mare, cow, truck, car, walk, run, bike, Dairy Queen (also the initials DQ), deer, cat, dog, sub sandwich, turkey sandwich, hamburger, pancake […]. (9.23)

Josh has also written a novel and several volumes of poetry. We're kidding, but that list is impressive, no? P.S. It goes on.