Obasan Chapter 28 Summary

  • Naomi is in a city. To be precise, she's in a sketchy restaurant where two unshaven men keep trying to beckon her towards them with some crumpled up bills. Totally sketchy. Uncle talks to a man, and after that they leave the city and go further out into the country. Eventually they don't even travel on a paved road.
  • She asks where they're going, but there are no answers.
  • When they finally stop, they are in front of a small hut even smaller than the tiny home in Slocan. There is brown dust and wind everywhere.
  • Uncle and Stephen unload the truck, and Naomi checks out the house. There isn't much to check out because there's only one room, one door, and two windows. That's it. They sleep on the floor lined up together with cloths over their faces so that they don't breathe in dust. In the morning they clean the dust off the furniture.