Obasan Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It wasn't a fishing vessel or an ordinary yacht, but a sleek boat designed by Father, made over many years and many winter evenings. A work of art. "What a beauty," the RCMP officer said in 1941 when he saw it. He shouted as he sliced back through the wake, "What a beauty! What a beauty!" (4.28)

Because Uncle's boat is so beautiful, it makes the confiscation of all the fishermen's boats even more emotional. Later, we see Uncle taken away in the same way that his beautiful boat was.

Quote #2

"Why in a time of war with Germany and Japan would our government seize the property and homes of Canadian-born Canadians but not the homes of German-born Germans?" she asked angrily. (7.59)

Good question. Aunt Emily's answer is racism. What's yours?

Quote #3

There was a picture of a young Nisei boy with a metal lunch box and it said he was a spy with a radio transmitter. (14.52)

This is ridiculous. Radio transmitters make horrible lunchboxes. Why do you think the white Canadians feel compelled to make these racist statements? What does that have to do with World War II and the perception of Japan as a nation?