Obasan Chapter 33 Summary

  • In 1954 Stephen has been away for two years at the Royal Conservatory of Music. When he turns 20 he tours Europe playing music, and wins first prize for an original piano composition. Even though he's famous now, he doesn't let it go to his head. He's actually less angry now, or at least when he's not around Obasan.
  • Stephen lives with Aunt Emily, and it's been such a long time since Naomi saw her that she forgot what she was like.
  • Aunt Emily comes to visit in July. She's 40 and still not married. They take her on a tour of all of their favorite shops. The family talks about the old days, like when Stephen used to like eating Ex-Lax. Good times/gross times.
  • When they get home Obasan is waiting. She's wearing a pretty white and blue dress, just for Aunt Emily. Naomi doesn't remember much else about the week that Aunt Emily stays with them because she's busy studying for finals.
  • On the night before Aunt Emily leaves, Naomi wakes up to hear Uncle and Emily talking about her mother. What are they saying? Aunt Emily is crying and Obasan is praying. She tucks some papers into a gray cardboard folder with red string. Hey, haven't we seen that before?