Obasan Chapter 4 Summary

  • Or not.
  • While she bustles around the kitchen, Naomi looks at an old photo. It was taken when Stephen was born. Everyone's in it. Dr. Kato a.k.a. Grandpa Kato, Grandma Kato, Grandma Nakane and Grandpa Nakane, everyone. All gathered around tiny baby Stephen.
  • Grandpa Nakane was a boat builder. He was the first to come to Canada, and when his family saw he was doing okay, they came too. His cousin and her son, Isamu, decided to tag along. Isamu is Naomi's Uncle, Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam marries Aunt Ayako (Obasan) and they try to have children, but Obasan only delivers stillbirths. They give up and get a dog instead.
  • Still in the picture. Naomi looks at the star of the show, Stephen. His dad holds him up like he's a little magic trick. Nearby are Naomi's Aunt Emily and her mom, two sisters that are as different as you can imagine. Aunt Emily is short and stocky, while Naomi's mom is delicate and fragile. How did they grow up in the same family?
  • Once upon a time, the Katos and the Nakanes were supremely happy. At least according to this photo. But even back then, the family was split between Canada and Japan. Aunt Emily says everyone in the family has always been best friends forever. Hmm. All of these things can't be true, can they?
  • Then things went horribly wrong. There was a worrying letter from Japan. A Canadian Mountie drove off with Uncle Sam's beautiful handcrafted boat. What was going on?
  • We don't know. No one tells Naomi anything.