The Once and Future King Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph.)

Quote #10

"You see, I was young, I was nineteen. [...] Everybody told me what a dreadful sin it was, and how nothing but sorrow would come of it, and also a lot of other things about what Mordred would be like if he was born. They frightened me with horrible prophecies, and I did something which has haunted me ever since." (C.4.157).

White doesn't let us in on this horrible event until the last book. On Arthur's coming-of-age journey, trying to drown Mordred (and causing tons of collateral damage in the form of hundreds of drowned babies) is a huge life-altering mistake that he has to work through for the rest of his life. Do you think Arthur tries hard enough to make amends for this? What else might he have done?