The Once and Future King Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph.)

Quote #4

"This is an anachronism," he said severely. "That is what it is, a beastly anachronism." (S.9.80).

Anachronism (things being out of synch with their proper times) is a big point in White's text. Merlyn explicitly brings up this concept here, when his magical powers summon an 1890's sailor hat instead of a hat more suited to the medieval period.

Quote #5

There was a noise like a railway train letting off its whistle, and, answering to it—riding on it like the voice of the Arabian Bird—Robin Wood's horn of silver began to blow. (S.12.3).

Of course, only someone not confined to the Middle Ages would be able to describe a sound in terms of a "railway train letting off its whistle." The narrator is apparently privy to other time periods, and introduces anachronisms like this frequently.

Quote #6

"We have had a good time while we were young, but it is in the nature of Time to fly." (S.22.90)

Merlyn's getting ready to leave the Forest Sauvage after he has properly tutored Wart. Throughout the book, Merlyn has been sad about various things relating to Arthur, and here he again mourns how quickly time passes by. This is a poignant moment.