One Came Home Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

How she persisted in her kindness when I could not stand the sight of her I do not know. I felt a flash of shame, not only because of my behavior over the past few days, but because beginning tomorrow morning she would not find me. (5.10)

Uh-oh… Sounds like Georgie's about to pull an Agatha and skip town. You'd think she'd understand what it feels like to be on the receiving end of a disappearance like this. Does she ever consider the effect her leaving might have on a mother who just lost one daughter?

Quote #5

He put his hand on my head. "Figures it was you that got this bird."

Ma glanced between the two of us. "You spoil that child," she said to Grandfather Bolte. (6.80-81)

Georgie and Grandfather Bolte have a very close relationship and are very much alike, as both Ma and Agatha point out. Sometimes such similarities drive family members apart, but in this case, it seems to bring them together.

Quote #6

I looked at him. "Did Ma know about this?"

Billy's chin lifted defensively. "Your grandfather was going to tell her."

"I cannot believe it."

Billy held up his hands. "Did you think no one would notice our absence? Your grandfather would follow you in two snaps after what happened to Agatha. I was ready to tell you if you asked." (11.108-111)

We thought the whole time that it was a little odd for Billy just to take off with Georgie without telling her grieving family. How do you feel about Billy's decision to trick Georgie like this? How does it compare to his later confession that he kissed Agatha in the hope of breaking up her thing with Mr. Olmstead? Either way, he was sent by Grandfather Bolte, which is cool.