One Came Home Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Wait here," said Billy. He clucked his tongue at Storm.

"If you go, I go. If anything, you should wait here. This is my journey. She was my sister," I said. (14.10-11)

We don't blame Georgie for getting a little huffy, especially after Billy's already betrayed her once by telling her family where she is. Plus, whether right or not, it makes sense that she feels like this is her time to call the shots—it's Georgie's journey, Billy's just living in it.

Quote #8

Mr. Olmstead's hand reached out and squeezed mine. "I came because your ma asked me to find you. Your grandfather died two days ago."

"Grandfather Bolte?" I said.

But what other grandfather did I have? (19.55-57)

To be honest, we did not see this one coming. Georgie starts her journey thinking she's lost one family member but ends it by losing another. At this point, she still doesn't know Agatha is alive, so it appears she's lost two family members in quick succession. It's a major bummer.

Quote #9

A relative? I knew Ma had relations out in upstate New York. She wrote to them faithfully, once a week. But I never thought I'd see one of those upstaters in the flesh. From what I understood, they considered Wisconsin a wilderness devoid of law, manners, and all proper speech. I would have stared further (and eventually issued a greeting), but Ma grabbed hold of me and kissed me again. (20.25)

With the arrival of Aunt Cleo, Georgie's family circle widens to include those she's never met before. Aunt Cleo quickly fits in with Georgie and Ma, too. Georgie, who is usually a bit prickly about outsiders getting into her family life, is so quick to accept her aunt—perhaps because she's just kind of lost her own sister.