One Crazy Summer Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Like Huey said, 'We should all carry the weight, and those who have extreme abilities will have to carry extremely heavy loads.'" (7.28)

We're not talking about weight lifting here; we're talking about the idea that everyone in a community has to support each other. Some contribute by counting newspapers or coloring in signs, while others host a rally. As long as each person does his or her part, the community can thrive.

Quote #5

I felt silly and wrong calling a grown person Brother So-and-So or Sister Such-and-Such, but thanks to Cecile, we now had brothers and sisters we had never before laid eyes on. (11.2)

There are many things about the Center that makes Delphine squeamish—she's not used to talking about race or identity in the way people do at the Center. This doesn't stop her from trying, though. She realizes that if she wants to be a part of the community, she'll have to act like them.

Quote #6

Sister Mukumbu announced, "Today we're going to be like the earth, spinning around and affecting many. Today we're going to think about our part in the revolution" (11.22).

Check out that phrase, "our part in the revolution." Sister Mukumbu teaches the kids about how a community works. You can't get progress alone. If everyone works together, change might actually happen. If that's not friendship taken to an epic level, we don't know what is.