One Crazy Summer Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Sister Mukumbu was right there and ended it before into anything to stop. She reminded us we had greater causes to fight for than to fight with each other (14.30).

Let's face it: Kids bicker and argue from time to time (or all the time), so it's only natural that the kids at the Center pull each other's hair and don't want to share with each other, too. Sister Mukumbu is always on hand, ready with a reminder that no one can be selfish in a community. Sometimes friendships are formed based on shared interests, but at the Center, they're formed based on shared goals.

Quote #8

Sister Mukumbu said, "We look out for each other. The rally is one way of looking out for all of our sisters. All of our brothers. Unity, Sister Delphine. We have to stand united." (20.54)

Sister Mukumbu is full of wisdom about sticking together. Even though Delphine doesn't want to go to the rally because she fears it might be dangerous, she's warned about the benefit to the community. The group being united is more important than anything else.

Quote #9

Mrs. Woods said, "We know the same things. We have to stick together." (27.28)

Again we see acts of friendship playing out within the Black Panther community. Hirohito's mom puts the girls up while Cecile is in jail because that's what the members of this community do for each other—they help out.