Paperboy Chapter 18 Summary

  • The next morning, the doorbell rings at 6:00AM and Victor is sure that it's going to be the police. He just waits in bed… and ends up falling asleep again.
  • Mam wakes him up after 8:00AM and tells him that a nice man came by and said he had to drop off the money for the paper. That must have been Mr. Spiro.
  • They eat breakfast and Mam tells Victor about how she's known Ara T since they were growing up in Mississippi; he always had a bad reputation.
  • One night Mam's brother went to town to sell eggs so that he could buy sugar and flour. When they found him dead in the creek, the bag of sugar was gone, and they all suspected that Ara T killed him to steal the sugar. They couldn't prove it, though.
  • Victor asks if they're going to call the police about Ara T, and she tells him that the police don't come for the black people. But Big Sack will make sure that Ara T moves along and doesn't bug them anymore.
  • That's when Victor starts to cry because he's overwhelmed by everything that's happened. Mam tells him that he did a good job, and that he threw the bottle like David felling Goliath.