Paperboy Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Mam was working in the kitchen when my parents got back from eating out. I went to the top of the stairs to try to hear what they were talking about. (3.128)

The thing about Victor's family is that they don't spend a whole lot of time together—not with Victor, anyway. His parents are usually off doing their own thing, which is why he has to eavesdrop on them every chance he gets. He just wants to know what's going on in their lives.

Quote #2

The father and mother and a little girl were sitting in chairs out on the porch. Instead of making a throw I skipped up the steps to hand the paper to the father who had tipped me a nickel. As I passed the screen door I took a quick peek inside and there was TV Boy with his face stuck in front of the screen with the sound turned off just like the night before. (4.46)

Going on the paper route gives Victor a glimpse into how other peoples' families work, and sometimes he's baffled by what he sees. Why isn't TV Boy hanging out with the rest of his family on a nice summer evening? What's his deal, anyway?

Quote #3

After I brushed my teeth I went to my parents' bedroom to tell them good night but my mother was at her dresser talking on the telephone to one of her friends about New Orleans. She blew me a good-night kiss. I went to find my father but he was in his office downstairs talking on the phone that he only used when he wanted to talk to people about what they should do with their money. (4.49)

Victor wants to get to know his parents better, but a lot of the time they're too busy for him. They love him, but they have grown-up priorities and events to attend… which is why it's so great for him to have Mam around. She actually takes care of him and listens to all his stories and concerns.