Paperboy Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The glass in her hand looked like it held only ice water at first but when he had moved closer I smelled the whiskey.

Now you listen to me.

She stepped toward me and raised her finger. I was hoping she wouldn't lose her balance again. (2.47-49)

Mrs. Worthington is a very pretty woman, but she's also a woman with her own demons. One way that she deals with this is through alcohol—and her drinking problem is apparent to Victor even when he meets her for the first time.

Quote #2

I knew it was Mrs. Worthington because I also heard the ice in her glass clinking. She wasn't very far from me on the porch swing but it didn't sound like she was swinging. She was crying like when a girl falls off a playground ride and isn't really hurt but just keeps on sobbing under hear breath. (4.82)

Yikes… Victor can recognize Mrs. Worthington from the sound of the ice in her glass before he even sees her. It's obvious that she's totally drunk right now, and that it's not making her very happy.

Quote #3

Mrs. Worthington was lying on the swing with her head resting on one arm stretched straight out. She was wearing her green housecoat. Same as the first time I had seen her. I could smell the whiskey from the broken glass. She didn't have on shoes and she wouldn't be bale to stand up without cutting her feet so I squatted down an started picking up the bigger pieces of glass one at a time. (4.86)

When Victor finally gets up the nerve to approach Mrs. Worthington, he finds her passed out on the porch swing. She's so drunk that she's unconscious, and he has to pick up the pieces of glass on the ground so that she doesn't cut herself later. He's finally starting to see the dark side of alcohol.