Paperboy Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Plus I promised Mam I would never tell what happened to my yellow-handled knife. Mam might say that typing is cheating but I need to see the words on paper to make sure everything happened the way my brain remembers it. I trust words on paper a lot more than words in the air. (1.3)

It's tough for Victor to communicate his stories in the way that most other people do—through speech—but with a typewriter, he can tell his entire story without stuttering and tripping up.

Quote #2

The funny way I talk is not so much like fat pigs in cartoons as I just get stuck on a sound and try to push the word out. Sometimes it comes out after a little pushing but other times I turn red in the face and lose my breath and get dizzy circles going around in my head. There's not much I can do about it except think of another word or keep on pushing. (1.4)

Poor Victor knows that his stutter makes him seem funny to some people, but his problem is no joke. It's something that he struggles with every day of his life, and he's doing speech therapy so he can overcome it.

Quote #3

The reason I hate talking to people who don't know me is because when they first see me I look like any other kid. Two eyes. Two arms. Two legs. Crew-cut hair. Nothing special. But when I open my mouth I turn into something else. Most people don't take the time to try to understand what's wrong with me and probably just figure I'm not right in the head. They try to get rid of me as fast as possible. (1.21)

The fact that he stutters makes it so that Victor feels self-conscious when he first meets people. After all, he knows that they're expecting him to talk like any other kid… but when he opens his mouth they suddenly see him as "different."